Years 9–13 Presentations
Want to book a presentation?
YEAR 9-10
Online friendships, safety and citizenship
Helps young people reflect on how technology influences their lives. The presentation encourages them to become positive cyber citizens and to seek a healthy balance between the online and offline worlds. Text bullying, online addiction and cyber safety are covered.
YEAR 9-10
Holistic wellbeing
We introduce the concept of holistic wellbeing and look at the physical, mental, spiritual and social sides to every teenager. This programme gives young people ideas on how to tackle their teenage years and become the best version of themselves.
YEAR 9-10
Drugs, alcohol and peer pressure
We address the issues that cause people to make poor decisions, and give ideas on how to assess risks, make better decisions, deal with peer pressure and overcome addictions.
YEAR 9-10
Families and parents
Gives young people an insight into their current whānau dynamic and offers ideas on how to get on better with whānau. It teaches positive ways of becoming independent from parents.
YEAR 9-10
Sex and relationships
We discuss the emotional and social aspects of sexuality and provide a decision-making guide to relationships. The programme covers the benefits of focusing on friendships and how to set boundaries. It challenges teenagers to think about options for their future.
YEAR 11-13
Choices, resilience and self-esteem
This presentation offers practical advice on how to get through the hard chapters of life and delivers the ‘life messages’ teenagers need to grow mental and emotional resilience. It covers the importance of making positive decisions, and how to build the four cornerstones of a meaningful life.
YEAR 11-13
Mental wellbeing
This is a basic overview of how the brain works and a survival kit for handling stress, depression and the tough times in life. This presentation aims to normalise common mental health issues and give practical solutions of how to get help.
YEAR 11–13
Building and maintaining healthy relationships
This is a guide to building and maintaining healthy relationships, offering ideas on dealing with peer pressure and coping with break-ups.
YEAR 11–13
A focused look at stress and anxiety (30 minutes)
Mental wellbeing is a massively important issue. This presentation is a more focused look at two of the big issues affecting young people today.